Monday, April 26, 2010

GERMANY 2010 -- 8

+ After a lot of research I decided we only need to buy a Germany Rail Pass for 4 days.  Other days on trains will be covered by another type of pass which is good in Bavaria only.  So, we now have that Germany Railpass and we have now booked lodging for all but 3 nights of our trip which begins June 8 and ends June 23.  Those 3 nights are the last 3 nights: 2 in Munich (June 20-21) and 1 near JFK in New York City (June 22).  We will drive home on June 23.  

We will spend our first night on a jetplane. Our second night will be in Frankfurt.  Then, 3 nights in Berlin, 3 in Nuremberg, 4 in Füssen, 2 in Munich and 1 in NYC.

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