Wednesday, November 11, 2009


+ updated at 5:26pm EST, November 11, 2009

+ This is the second post on places near my home in upstate New York.

+ Once again I call your attention to a website devoted to upstate NY: Round The Bend's Upstate New York.

+ In EXPLORING UPSTATE NEW YORK -- 1, I said I will focus on my former hometown, Richfield Springs, also called Richfield Spa or just Richfield where I was the Pastor of The Church of Christ Uniting (Presbyterian & Mehodist) from 1988 to 1999. I will do that now simply by offering some links and related thoughts:

  • Richfield Springs Online
  • The Richfield Springs Mercury - When I lived in Richfield Springs, this newspaper was published as part of the weekly Cooperstown newspaper. It came back to life on its own some time after I left in1999. It began sometime in the nineteenth century.
  • US Route 20 - Route 20 crosses the USA from Boston, Massachusetts to Newport, Oregon on the Pacific.
  • The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad - Richfield Springs was at the end of a branch line of this historic railroad. The Spa was a popular destination from the 1880s until the 1920s. Hotels with access to the mineral springs lined Main Street (Route 20).
  • Canadarago Lake - Beautiful and nearby. I had a sailboat docked each summer at the home of a member of my church. Lots of fun! A storm snapped my mast one night. The weather forecast did not include high winds but I knew I was in trouble when I heard the whistling of the winds that night. It was the remnants of Hurricane Hugo which had hit Charleston SC with a vengeance. I really enjoyed sailing on the lake when the leaves were changing in early October.
  • Map by Mapquest
  • Wikipedia Article
  • +++

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